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Configuration Settings

Pomerium can be configured using a configuration file (YAML/JSON/TOML) or environmental variables. In general, environmental variable keys are identical to config file keys but are uppercase. If you are coming from a kubernetes or docker background this should feel familiar. If not, check out the following primers.

Using both environmental variables and config file keys is allowed and encouraged (for instance, secret keys are probably best set as environmental variables). However, if duplicate configuration keys are found, environment variables take precedence.


Pomerium can hot-reload route configuration details, authorization policy, certificates, and other proxy settings.

All-In-One vs Split Service mode

When running Pomerium as a single system service or container, all the options on this page can be set in a single config.yaml file, or passed to the single instance as environment variables.

When running Pomerium in a distributed environment where there are multiple processes, each handling separate components, all services can still share a single config file or set of environment variables.

Alternately, you can create individual config files or sets of environment variables for each service. When doing so, each file or set can define which component a process will run as using the service mode key.

The table contains all config options for Pomerium Core. You can also browse each key using the index on the left.

Address specifies the host and port to serve HTTP requests from.
comma separated strings
comma separated strings
Authorize users by matching claims attached to a user's identity token by their identity provider
map of strings lists
comma separated strings
The authenticate callback path is the path/url from the authenticate service that will receive the response from your identity provider.
Authenticate Service URL is the externally accessible URL for the authenticate service.
Authorize Service URL is the location of the internally accessible Authorize service.
Turning on autocert allows Pomerium to automatically retrieve, manage, and renew public facing TLS certificates from Lets Encrypt.
Autocert CA is the directory URL of the ACME CA to use when requesting certificates.
Autocert directory is the path which autocert will store x509 certificate data.
Autocert EAB Key ID is the key identifier when requesting a certificate from a CA with External Account Binding enabled.
Autocert EAB MAC Key is the base64url-encoded secret key corresponding to the Autocert EAB Key ID.
Autocert Email is the email address to use when requesting certificates from an ACME CA.
Let's Encrypt has strict usage limits. Enabling this setting allows you to use Let's Encrypt's staging environment which has much more lax usage limits.
Certificate Authority is set when behind-the-ingress service communication uses self-signed certificates.

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